The Whole "New Year, New You"​ Idea is Bogus

Why does a completely arbitrary date suddenly turn you into a new person? And why is that the goal?!

First thing's 1st, January 1 is just a day. There's nothing magical about it. For some cultures, January 1 isn't even the new year!

Now let's get to the really real stuff. The “New You”

+ You don't need to be a NEW you. Because there's nothing *wrong* with the "old" you - ya know, the one you were up until 4 days ago?

+ Despite marketing attempts pressuring you to doing something right now, this may not be the best time for you to make changes anyway.

Why? Holidays can be stressful. Winter can be cold & make you grumpy. Your kids may be going to a hybrid school model or continuing in virtual leading you to continued chaos at home. There are a million reasons why.

+ 80% of people fail* at new years resolutions. Because again, they're based on an arbitrary date and there is a *heaping* amount of pressure to succeed.


If you have a goal, go after it - regardless of what day it is.

And if you're making yourself bonkers going after something because of a resolution mentality be kind to yourself.

✅ Share this with someone who could cut themselves a little slack right now



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