3 Ways to Improve Your Job Search

Don't wish it was easier; wish you were better - Jim Rohn

Searching for a job is hard

Y’all, it is. It’s hard. 

I know there are coaches and services that say “I make the job search easy.” But that’s not me. 

I do, however, say that when hard things are fun, they’re much more enjoyable

I also say that when you’re good at hard things, that success feels awesome!

Here are 3 ways to help you get better at the job search:

  1. Polish those Tools: Take a look at your job search tools and polish those suckers ‘til they shine! 

    1. Resume: hasn’t been updated since you got this job 2 years ago? Get to it! 

    2. LinkedIn: Scowling in that profile picture? Find a happy one without a hat/sunglasses and hit that “update” button.

    3. Facebook: Profile picture wearing a tube top and holding a red solo cup? Let’s take care of that too Note: I know companies “aren’t supposed to look at your social media...” but if it’s public it’s out there so why make this any harder than it already is?

  2. Network like a Fiend: When there are more people than jobs, that’s what we call a talent surplus. And folks, that’s where we are right now. I’m always an advocate for networking, but with a talent surplus, this is the time when you want to know about jobs before they’re even posted. You want to be top of mind for people as they’re building out their team. Networking is the best way to do that

  3. Work with a Career Coach: All-star athletes didn’t wake up one day and win Super Bowl MVP. They worked with coaches and honed their skills to be as successful as possible at the task at hand. Coaches are there to elevate your job search game. We know tools to get you in the door and tips to make your best impression once you get there!


The Job Search: It’s Not About You


3 Ways to Use Social Media to Network